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hello! i feel like i owe you an explanation as to why the blog is so quiet these days. so, if you’re interested, read on – or just skip to the fun stuff while i get a little bit wordy. i temporarily shelved my working life during Axel’s first year, as we decided i would be his primary caregiver while Anton worked. it was both joyous and tough for me. to be able to spend so much time with him during such an important phase was a real privilege, but it also meant that i lost my grip on some parts of my life…
i come across a lot of things during my week that don’t necessarily fit into the category of These Things or Nice Things, but that i usually tweet about or just email to my friends. that’s one of the main ways that i, too, discover interesting and/or enjoyably distracting things online – especially from geniuses such as Jessica, whose …
so this coming weekend is a long weekend in SA, as well as next weekend. yes, this is the month of all the public holidays ever. i have a favour to ask you – can you recommend a GREAT book to get stuck into? i plan on putting away my devices and going old school on …