you might be familiar with the amazing print work of designer mary katrantzou. well, her a/w 2011 collection recently unveiled at london fashion week is no different or any less spectacular. i’m sure you know what i did next…
pairing some of her pieces with decorative oriental prints & ceramics from various auctions at bukowskis
go here to see katrantzou’s non-cropped collection
all runway images courtesy of
I tell you, I’m going to lay myself down and die from the splendor of it all. These are spectacular.
I must go now. The beauty is overwhelming.
Amazing amazing combination! I agree, the beauty is overwhelming…
Beautiful. SO weird – i have exactly the same vase (think it’s image # 11)…
then your vase is worth a lot of money, vicki ;)
you’re a genius <3
Wow each one is more prettier than the next!! These are breathtakingly beautiful!
Melanie’s Randomness
Sweet lord, you are good at this blogging thing! Hit another one out of the park, in my opinion.
I never get tired of the brilliance of these posts. Especially since this one is about one of my very favourite fall collections so far. Beauty
Amazing. Such a stunning collection – and your comparisons are brilliant. Please, never stop posting.
These are really gorgeous, and actually kind of help me parse what patterns/prints/decorative motifs are going on in each look. . . makes me want to take pictures of my mom’s best dishes and see if I can print them on fabric.
This is AMAZING. Just a visual feast!
Hi there
Just about the most gorgeous designs i have seen in a while – those clashing oriental designare just fabulous and I love the pairing with ceramics. Thank you for putting together a gorgeous post!
This is incredible. Just absolutely incredible.
That is insane! And executed very well. Love it.
PS- I’m hosting my first GIVEAWAY on my blog! Please come and see!
I’m in awe! Amazing as always… :)
yes, yes, yes, whooooooa baby!
Just when I thought your inspiring fashion + art pairing posts couldn’t get any better…
I am amazed each time at how perfect a fit each one is.
Your eyes is fantastic.
your blog gets an A+. great eye! thanks for sharing the beauty.
I’m really diggin’ the tights!
absolutely impressive!
I am loving these. Both the fashion and the ceramics! beautiful.
I just found your blog through referrals to my site from your tumblr and i am DYING!! i feel like we are blogging soulmates … and i read A LOT of blogs, but I’ve never said that before! the palettes, the inspirations w the fashion images… ahhh! love it!
come say hi on my blog and keep in touch!
Holier than Now
OMG these have just blown my mind! beautiful! thanks for sharing <3
LOOOOVE it! Am going to repost this, hope you don’t mind! Love all Mary Katrantzou Danielle Scutt, Mark Fast pack of amazingness!
Great, great job with this post! It’s one of my favorite London collections, and I love seeing the related inspiration right there next to it.
P.S. – I just submitted this for Link Love over on Beautifully Invisible. I just love this post. :)
these are amazing- so clever- the ocmbination of scale, colour and print is extraordinary. thank you for bringing
this to my attention
Wow, this is just amazing!!! It just made my day :)
Miss Moss, You are an art historical and aesthetic genius!
I love this post!! Its so beautiful how you put everything together.
China Doll indeed! Amazing prints and fabrics! I wonder if she had them custom made, either way they’re beautiful! Did you see Christopher Kane’s? What did you think of his grandma’s chic collection?
This is absolutely amazing! Thank you for introducing me to the collection and in such a unique and explosive way. I’m smitten with all the rich prints and original shapes. This is just what fashion and art are all about. Beautiful!
ADORABLE – I love it – what an amazing feast for the eye.
Well done!!
xx from
I was completely entranced with the colors and designs on this page! Beautiful! I love those purple print leggings – the orange as well and the shoes that go with each outfit. Perfection!!
Um, just slightly amazing.
Stunning! love the way this is posted. :)
loved this show
love these comparisons
you were link loved on my saturday post
keep this stuff coming !
Oh my, this is absolutely jaw-dropping!
I absolutely love Mary Katrantzou….your pairing of her collection with the ceramics is brilliant!