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my parents have bought antiques over anything new in the furniture department as far back as i can remember. when i was younger i thought it quite fuddy duddy and would roll my eyes like any good teenager when they spoke about yellowwood dining room tables and cape dutch food cupboards. fortunately i grew up and came to cherish and appreciate these things, and it has certainly influenced what kind of pieces i would choose today.

which is why i’m quite taken with the portfolio of max rollitt, a dealer & restorer of antiques as well as a trained furniture designer & maker whose company also specializes in bespoke furniture and interior design. be sure to check out the inspiration section, which has a pretty rad click through collage feature.

whenever i see an antique chair i can’t help but think of parson’s pleasure by roald dahl. i’ve read it so many times, and strangely always root for the antique dealer – even though i know i shouldn’t. oh, the ending makes me cringe.

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.


  • Jane Flanagan says:

    Absolutely incredible portfolio!! I’m so inspired!

  • kate hart says: Both the yellow + teal couches are to die for. Gorgeous, gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!

  • Anna says:

    these are beautiful shots. can’t wait to peruse through them…

  • garconniere says:

    i adore all of these! especially the framed art photo.

  • janine says:

    thank you for sharing these, I love them. I’m currently moving into a flat but seeing as the lease doesn’t end on the house I rent with my friends till August I’ve got all summer to decorate :) I love finding inspiration like this. Brilliant colours, my favourite details are the red legs on the dining table and the dolls house. If only my flat had a fireplace like that…

  • katiekathleen says:

    Oh how I love Roald Dahl – that is a great story, but it makes me cringe too!

  • tams says:

    you’re killing me here. dream couch. dream chair. carpet and on and on and on. love it all!

  • Kristina says:

    Wonderful pictures and such pretty furniture. I love vintage furniture, currently looking for an old, worn table and kitchen buffet! great inspiration!
    Have a lovely day!

  • Anna Houser says:

    heh, how funny, just listening and loving some of your albums and i now find you loving the work of a family friend of ours, my mum and brother have all worked for Max, truly wonderful man, you should look at his son’s blog, he’s an illustrator equally talented!!

    really love your site :)