i was recently given a beautifully designed scarf as a gift, which i am tempted to have framed because the design itself is far more interesting to me than actually wearing the scarf. now i’m having second thoughts after seeing these silk scarves designed by textile designers Amélie Charroin & Marie Colin-Madan for Milleneufcentquatrevingtquatre – which means 1984 in french, the year of birth of the two designers. it’s quite awesome to see how such interesting designs transform depending on how you wear the pieces.
Based in Lyon, the historic cradle of silk, and passionate about art – they decided to play with the codification of the silk scarf and create their own collections of printed squares. Their printed scaffolded four hands are steeped in both the traditional world of square flat frame and a contemporary design influenced by the music, clips, videos, painting, art history… Their images combine unique mixed media, drawing,painting, photomontage.
(google translated from french)