get ready for an entirely nonsensical post combining my love for food and fashion. outfits good enough to eat? food good enough to… um… wear? no matter! just enjoy it for what it is.
rosemary & walnut crepes / paris x3
egg & avo sandwich / glamcanyon
dinner in brooklyn / style sightings
blueberry & lavender rhubarb jam / all the pretty birds
old fashioned pink lemonade / streetstyle aesthetic
bourbon chocolate milkshake / vanessa jackman
the ice creamists / style clicker
potato, celery root & sunchoke cream / vanessa jackman
lumberjack cake / streetpeeper
oh yes, i don’t follow many food blogs myself (just because it would be laughably impossible to browse on top of my already escalating subscriptions to hundreds of fashion, lifestyle and personal blogs) – so if i ever feel like some food inspiration i look to the amazing pinterest boards of su / i’m revolting, catherine / wolfeyebrows and alison / teenangster.
Amazing! I love when you do these side by side posts, one of my favorite things!
Yummy x 2. Great finds!
I absolutely love how you see the world. <3
Love this! Hope you make it a regular feature, nothing better than pretty food and fashion photos and you are so good at matching the colours.
Great. Fashion is everywhere you look
this made me so happy.
Hmm…not sure if I want to eat or go shopping now! (both)
There is already a quite good blog based on this (they give the recipes too though)
It’s this one:, it’s quite genius
I really like your mixes too!
-The Red Dot-
oh, i had no idea – thanks!
Oh fuck yes, this is the stuff, Diana! So excellent.
This is brilliant!Love it.
Amazing! <3 Love your work!
What a beautiful post. Love the colours. Especially the blueberry and rhubarb jam and lumber cake ones.
I always love food and fashion but never once thought of combining both. You have really creative sense of bringing all the rad things together. Love it! :)
I LOVE this! My two favourite things.
Thea Natalie @ Creatures of Life
I love the fact that we have shared so many wonderful food moments. Miss you and hope to see you very soon. Love to all the Mosses!
love the idea! These made me hungry and the same time inspired by the fashion.
your combinations are always perfect!
One of my favourites posts EVER!! Love your work!
I love this! The colors, the food, the fashion!
Wonderful post! What a lovely idea. It’s almost lunch time here, perfect timing.
Love it! Great work.
Nothings goes better with a pretty outfit than a delicious lunch :)
Ahaha, it was only a matter of time. This looks great and delicious and now I’m hungry…
oh man, those ice creams…
Enjoy it I did. Understatement. You just combined my two most absolute favorite things: delicious food and delicious clothing. The post makes total sense to me. The pink lemonade and lovely blush colored dress were a perfect match!
i love it, thank you. :) x
This was so much fun to read! Great idea.
Love this! So crisp and clean and fabulous!
So Fun! The last one is my favorite.
ahh I’m hungry now! x
I love how you always see the beauty in everything and how you manage to blend them together and make them look like they belong to each other and just didn’t know it.
Awesome post :)
This is amazing, I love it! Well Done!
This post is beyond perfection, love every bit!
This is amazing, perfect matches! Love it!
Love this post! Really great idea
I can’t even begin to describe to you how obsessed I am with this post.
In life, I usually describe things I like as something I want to eat, or as food, especially clothing, because they are two of my favorite things.
But this post, it is perfect.
This post is beyond scrumptious!!
Amazing comparisons!
x kat
This is amazing.
so lovely. thanks for the food/fashion mashup
An inspired combination:) That first one is so spot-on!
Wow. This is good. This is very good.
yummy. amazing. you will start major trends with this one, just wait.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! yuor blog is pretty amazing
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! yuor blog is pretty amazing
This is so good. Well done, LOVE IT!
love this! two favorite subjects glued together happily.
my favorite is the lumberjack cake.
I love this series. Beautifully and deliciously done!
That is so lovely, I wanna curl up and live in your mind.
great pieces, so perfect
what fun! and what beautiful colors. your music mixes and visual combination/collage posts are the BEST!
Love this, thanks for sharing a few of your favorite things!
brilliant idea! this would be a fantastic exhibit!
um, i loved this! didn’t find it the slightest bit nonsensical.. everything seemed to be perfectly in sync with one another. gorgeous & inspiring photos!
retail girl
I love this, I want to pin all of it to my Pinterest (as is always the case with your blog) x
Nope, makes total sense. I’m drooling over both the food and the fashion. Eye candy on both sides!
This is absolute magic. love your combinations.
DONE SO RIGHT. love it.
this is great!
like i work with art and fashion – you work with food and fashion!
i love your creative and open mind!
So cute! Much better than my simple offering from a while back…
Thanks for brightening my Friday.
wow, this looks amazing!!! i love this idea!!!
great food and great fashion
love K
so impressed once again!!!
i mean really where did you find red ice-cream?!!! just lovely and inspiring :)
thank you.
Oh my, can’t wait for more!
full of awesomeness you have such a good eye!!
so yummy, the food and fashion!
This is insanely fabulous. I just keep looking at it over and over again. Thank You!!!!!!
my favourite of your comparisions yet! x
Woah, you totally nailed it.
You’re so clever! I LOVE this post! In fact i actually love your whole blog, I’m not sure if I’ve ever commented on here (shame on me). x
I love this. You’re a bit too talented, I think.
great minds….
Thanks for the inspiration. This is one of your best posts yet.
Genius! Love it :-)
absolutely brilliant eye you have there!
Love this! So well done! Added some interiors here :)
Holy crap, the blueberry name + long scarlet coat combo = PERF. I dig.
Clearly awesome!! I have no words to describe my love at this site…^_^
Amazing! I love this post! Thanks X
Such a wonderful post! The combinations are great and each set tells a story on its own.. Loved it! :)
Way cool, as always.
i love it. genial! =D
really really great combination i think. so fun tu watch!
Fashion just got even delicious-er!! Such an awesome idea. xxx
this post is fantastic
This post is amazing! It’s a great idea :)
Fantastic feature! The images are great.
Nonsensical?!? This is one of my favorite posts and a great way to blend food and fashion. I can really see how the food and styling look similar. I would love to see more posts relating to this one!
Absolutely right on! Beautiful post!
This serie featuring fashion and food photography is super creative! I wish I had this idea! ;)
I often think in my food photography work to create a link between what I love in fashion and what I love while shooting food! Your post inspires me A LOT! Thanks!
LOVEly post!great combination of photos..
this is one cleaver and ingenious post, love it
This post is absolutely amazing! The colors matche so well together!
Love it :)
AMAZING! the colour swatches are just perfect.
as a food blogger obsessed with fashion, this post made me triple swoon.
This is just exquisite! Will keep in touch with this lovely idea!
This is so Yummy !!!
Love it…
Bonsoir, les photos sont magnifiques j’adore celle avec la glace bisous.
These are so perfect! I love all the pairings. The colors of each are just right!
love it!!
should go on
Does one of these creations inspire you?
Those are such lovely and pretty dresses. I’d like to have those kinds of dresses.
I love this post! Fashion and delicious treats.
I look at this EVERYDAY and smile.
Just found this via Bon Appetit. I love it! You perfectly capture the tone, color and feel of every outfit and food. Simply wonderful!
I love your blog!!!!!!!!!
Love it!!!!! Bring 2 different styles to life…. As a chef, I would love to see how far this goes…….
oh-my-dear-goodnesss, this is amazing article! i’m glad that i accidentally discovered this blog, :::-)
Just found this via Bon Appetit. I love it!
no need to justify… it’s not nonsense, its beauty!
Love this!! So many great sites to visit!! XOXO