OOOOOOOH BOY. the wedding of McKenzie & Jamie photographed by Lydia Jane really made my friday. Tags:lydia janemckenzie & jamiePhotographyweddingwedding photography
This is absolutely stunning. Thank you so much for sharing.
these melt my heart. love love love. so simple and natural :)
Absolutely love. Thanks for sharing.
Fab photos! Beautiful and simple. Thanks for sharing!
Lianne :)
Oh, my… this is the most heart-meltingly beautiful wedding I’ve seen in a while. Stunning.
Really, really lovely :)
The first photo is hauntingly beautiful, I love it.
I like your information blog. I have it in my rises reader and always like new things coming up from it.
this is very beautiful… I want to marryyyyyy
WOW, so beautiful wedding! like a dream.
I LOVE her garland. What beautiful images!
My goodness, so pretty!
this is so sweet!
Such sweet photographs, I love summer wedding season.