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it felt like just the other day that i posted about Ari Gabel’s arresting self portraits – but that was more than two years ago now! i had a long browse through his website and flickr recently, and i am very taken by the new projects he’s working on and his ongoing portraiture photography.

Ari Gabel is a working photographer whose main concentration deals with the documentation of the vanishing faces and stories held within countless individuals across the American landscape. His work is both a balance of research and shear instinct, allowing him to explore the environment around him and establish a common understanding of the land. His use of analog cameras is not due to the rarity of it’s existence in modern times, but for for the quality it posses and the personable connection it creates with the subject.

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.


  • Linn says:

    I love the atmosphere ot these photos. Long, american road, path to nowhere, looking for something impossible to find, the light similar to this from Hopper’s works and nostalgia from Murakami’s books… That’s what I, personally, find in those pictures.

    Linn from

  • girl in oslo says:

    That last photo was truly amazing…
    Have a great day

  • maggie says:

    These are stunning. I love portrait work like this!

  • petal and plume says:

    what stunning work… such an artist! love!

  • FINNY+DILL says:

    these images are entrancing. they bring to mind the work of william eggleston.

  • Rosie says:

    Oh my, these photographs are just gorgeous! And I can’t believe I’ve never read your blog before, it’s wonderful!

  • Florence says:

    Really nice! Great lighting and on film to boot…

  • Clemsy says:

    Hello Diana! I just wanted to tell you that I really really love your blog. It’s very inspiring and full of excited discoveries. I always come back, now and then. I wish you good luck with everything! Peace from France.

  • Visual Philosophy says:

    Awesome work. Think I like the motel photo the best. Thanks for sharing.


  • Marian says:

    Stunning pics! Thanks for sharing.

  • Sarah says:

    His work is very interesting. It’s gritty and real and makes you look at things differently. Can’t quite place what I feel when I see them!


  • Amanda says:

    Such stunning photographs! Can’t wait to check out more of his work.