i’m doing this thing now where i’m picking random dates in my archives and looking up people i posted about years ago. Missy Prince is a Portland based photographer, originally from Mississippi, who i have followed on flickr since, well, i discovered flickr. i posted about her 3 years ago – and her work still amazes me. in between her more personal work and some beautiful landscape imagery she also captures a world that, in my head, i only know through american road trip movies, or shows like friday night lights. bits and pieces of middle america, vignettes that remind me of the work of Stephen Shore or William Eggleston.
I’m usually drawn to scenes that lean toward the peculiar or askew. My interest in them is like my interest in, say, Tom Waits’ album Small Change or some old blues lyrics. Hard times are doorways to the unknown. People go to weird places through them, and you wonder how they got there. It’s more interesting than joy or contentment.*
*taken from this interview. as you can probably tell Missy works in film, and she develops and prints everything herself. you can see more of her work on her website, tumblr, flickr and buy prints from her shop.