Tamara Lichtenstein is one of those talented people on flickr whose dreamy photographs get fav’d a thousand times over. i have followed her for a long time and always like seeing a new image pop up in my feed. quick facts: she’s 23, from Houston Texas, and she also does commercial work. you can see more of her work at her website & flickr, and also buy her prints at etsy.

What a talent! x
amazing pics…. gorgeous!
She is SO talented, just gorgeous!
Jesus, no.
I went to highschool with her. She’s an awful human being.
And now she’s just infiltrated one of my favorite blogs.
well now this is awkward!
wow, such dreamy pictures..
xo, cheyenne
I went to jh/hs with her, and I remember her being a really nice person– I love this blog, and I think it’s great you featured her work. Let’s keep it positive people–
yes, let’s!