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the new Confezioni Crosby Lookbook:

this amazing gift guide by La Garconne:

the cover of the new Gather journal:

Vanessa Jackman’s trip to Italy:

this chair by Pacific Wonderland:

the styling at where i was from:

this house in Gothenburg – that’s for sale!

excited to see this Namibian wedding by Modern Hearts:

a series of tropical arrangements by Rafael D’Alo:


jewellery by Temerity:

these are holiday heels for sure:

an ingenious shoe rack by Sebastian Goldschmidtböing (who has an amazing name):

Taylor Stitch:

these shoes by Emily Green:

blouses by Sherie Muijs:

this tapestry / bedspread:

awesome workspaces featured on The Design Files – left & right:

this dress!

awesome design work by Snask:

UNIQLO recipes!

Les Parisiennes lookbook by The White Pepper:

the home of Caroline Gomez:

the very grown up home of Nicolas Schuybroek:

the Boob Tote:

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.