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as cheesy as it may sound, one of the highlights of my childhood was coming downstairs on Christmas morning and seeing all the colourful presents under the tree. i was under no illusion that Father Christmas had put it there, i knew it was my mom. but it was special nonetheless! now-a-days i find the wrapping almost as exciting as what’s inside, and i always appreciate special wrapping paper or when someone has really gone to the effort of making the package look beautiful.

UK based Wrap Magazine has a winter collection of wrapping paper & gift cards created by illustrators such as Charlotte TrounceHanna Konola, Harriet Seed and Nicholas John Frith amongst others. the rest of their wrapping paper is rad enough to pass as holiday wrapping as well, i think. enough with all the red white and green, let’s change things up!

Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap

Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.