city guides are one of my favourite things to discover online (i even created my own one for Cape Town, and also a guide of sorts to places i like in NYC). i bookmark them all the time, even though i probably have no intention to travel to some of the places – it’s always handy to have in your virtual back pocket. one of the places i always wished i had a great insider’s guide to was Paris, i have been there 4 times but i always feel like DAMN there must be some cool shit that i don’t know about!
fret no more, Cereal Magazine (who i mentioned before over here) has launched an awesome series of online travel guides called Guided that i have been fortunate enough to preview. their first installment covers ten cities, and they are always updated – so if something closes or something new opens, Guided will tell you.
The digital city guides feature bespoke content and photography exploring ten cities, with ten more to follow. Taking in a concise edit of recommended hotels, restaurants, cafes, museums and beautiful, outdoor spaces and landmarks that are all hand selected, by the GUIDED curators. Hosted online, the definitive guides are updated regularly and accessible from both smart phones and tablets with a downloadable version to view use when you are offline.
you can currently preview their guide to London, and if you are also interested in NYC, Paris, Hong Kong, LA, Bath, Bristol, Austin, Charleston & Vancouver then you can subscribe for an annual fee of £20, which gives you full access to all of the travel guides. looking through all the cities has me wanting to visit places i never considered even travelling to (Vancouver looks especially amazing!) here are some of the places i’d like to see some day. just realised that most of them are restaurants because… i like to eat. all images courtesy of Guided.
The Ethicurean in Bristol
LA Country Museum of Art
Bestie in Vancouver
Steven Alan Home in NYC
Two Boroughs in Charleston
Margaret Howell in London
Septime in Paris
Spartan in Austin
Yardbird in Hong Kong
The Marlborough Tavern in Bath
I am a follower of Cereal and these guides are spectacular! :)
I love Cereal but hadn’t discovered their guides before – the London one is so gorgeous!
This is so cool! I live in LA, but I plan on using this guide as well. Sometimes when you live in a place you get stuck in routines/going to the same places.
Wow each place is so beautiful. Would love to visit them
come to vancouver! it is beautiful and if you need any more info i would be happy to help