just gonna file this under coolest things ever. these are illustrations by French entomologist Eugène Séguy, from a book detailing his illustrations of insects and colourful decorative compositions of their patterns and colouring dating from 1925. he was, understandably, more well-known for his brilliant pattern design than for his work as an entomologist – though the two are undeniably intertwined. read more about him here.
Eugene Alain Seguy was one of the foremost French designers at the beginning of the 20th century. Working in both the Art Deco and Art Nouveau styles, he published many design folios utilizing the pochoir technique, a printing process that employs a series of stencils to lay dense and vivid color. *
images c/o the Beineke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, part of the Yale University Library. you can actually download the entire catalog in PDF form.