Andrew Jacona spent a month in India in 2012, just exploring and pursuing his passion: photography. he took these photos with a Contax 645 camera using Kodak Portra 400 film. they are SO BEAUTIFUL that they actually make me psychically ache to visit India. Andrew lives in Sydney with his wife Paveena and their two kids. you can see more beautiful photos of Andrew’s family, and his travels, at his Flickr and portfolio website.
From a young age I remember setting up a little “street gallery” with my brother where I would draw pictures of mountains and places and we would sell them to people passing by for 10 or 20 cents. Now days my love is for travelling, photographing and meeting people. Photography is the means by which to do this and is not an end in itself. It’s the experiences that it opens up to you that’s of value and those come naturally out of the energy you put into it, this is easy when you love doing what you do.

Absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful, soulful pictures!
Andrew Jacona’s photography pretty much does the impossible: Makes me miss India.
YES these are amazing (via @miss_moss)
These photographs are just beautiful! You’ve truly made me want to visit India even more than I already did.
Lally X
Oh wow, these are completely stunning! I’ve got some serious wanderlust going on now!
I can nearly smell all of the perfumes from these pictures. They carry so much in them. Awesome.
Just stunning, so well captured!
These are stunning!
The color and the light capture the spirit of India perfectly!
Amazing photos, beautiful place! It makes me want to go to India even more..!
Andrew just changed the way I see India. Absolutely STUNNING XX
I wonder how Andrew approaches people to photograph them. If he just takes a photo or asks first or tries to start up a conversation… It really feels like he has a connection with all of the subjects. It’d be great to know his process!
if you look through his flickr page he actually has detailed descriptions on most of the photos. check them out.
He makes the chaos appear serene, quite the talent :)
Ok, now I want to go to India.
Thanks for sharing! hIS PICTURES ARE LOVELY!
These photos are absolutely gorgeous! The colours, the light, everything is just fantastic!
Where in India did he go when he took these photos?