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you may remember my post last year about designer Lee Coren who makes such beautiful textiles. Lee has just released her latest collection, which was inspired by a trip to Italy.

The collection was inspired almost completely by an 8 hours stop at Rome, Italy, on my way back from a trip to the USA, and is constructed on the melding of urban surroundings and dreamy escapism. The collection features handmade screen printed fabrics as well as original prints from scenery captured on camera that transformed into versatile essentials, built to last but never boring.

the pieces are all Vegan friendly. shop here or on Etsy. lookbook photographs by Aya Wind.

Lee Coren Lee Coren Lee Coren

Lee Coren Lee Coren Lee Coren Lee Coren Lee Coren Lee Coren
Lee Coren Lee Coren Lee Coren

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.