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a friend and i were chatting the other day and she was telling me about how she’d recently gone to visit a local vintage market and most of the sellers were young girls – and all their wares were from the 90s. that made us chuckle because, well, we wore these clothes in the 90s. i suppose their 90s is our 80s: a little bit familiar, but also just a little bit novelty.

the 90s spanned my adolescence and teen years – so this is totally my decade. when Mallory tweeted about a tumblr called 90s fashion i enjoyed having a nice trawl through. tees under sun dresses, plaid skirts, daisies everywhere. also can we all stop and appreciate Alicia Silverstone in this outfit (and that hair). i had some fun compiling my favourite fashion moments. what do you remember from that diverse decade?

90s Fashion Moments

90s Fashion Moments

90s Fashion Moments

90s Fashion Moments

90s Fashion Moments

90s Fashion Moments

90s Fashion Moments

90s Fashion Moments

90s Fashion Moments

90s Fashion Moments

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.


  • Maggie PAte says:

    totally made my morning!

  • Dee says:

    The “American Eagle” advertisement gave me laugh. Also, I think “cool girls in leather jackets” should forever and always be a trend. :)

  • Jen says:

    I love this post. The 90s were my teen years too and I was totally grunged out a la the Seattle rockers with a hint of Drew Barrymore daisy-obsessed hippie for good measure.

  • Anna Louise says:

    Ha ha ha. Your 80s are my 70s. I actually still own a dress just like the first ones shown, except mine is denim, not floral, and I still wear it! Also have a plaid big shirt/dress in heavy wool, to be worn with leggings, that I started wearing again last winter and expect I will wear again this coming winter. One thing about the 90s, not so many tight waists, so as I age, many of them still work. Yes, ladies, redistribution of weight….one reason why I don’t buy as much vintage as I used to. sigh.

  • Mariann says:

    Let’s not forget about overalls and velvet for days!
    Love this post!

  • Janey says:

    Ha Drew certainly rocked most of those nineties must haves

  • Corina nika says:

    i barely remember 90s, but i love most of those styles like right now. except the hair :)

  • 13bees says:


  • Elsabe says:

    Chokers! And the bad big t-shirts. What a time to be a teen. It was me too.

  • Sasha says:

    The 90s are a bit of a novelty for me–I was a child so I didn’t really get to explore the 90s. I’ve always been into updated leathery-gothy-grungeness.

  • Tanith says:

    It makes me want to cry a little bit how awful 90% of the 90s styles were. Grunge is the only thing that we can look back on and not be ashamed of wearing. Not to mention, we were also channeling the hippie 60s & disco 70’s from 1997-2000 (to the horror of our parents, which I now completely understand!). Remember jnco and pipes jeans? All I remember thinking was that I wanted jeans that would completely cover my platform sneakers like the Spice Girls. *sigh* Good riddance haha!

    • Jess says:

      Omg yes, the jeans! Lmao I remember those unfortunately. Boy was I proud of those things. And good riddance, my sentiments exactly!

  • Christina says:

    I love how Drew Barrymore is all over this post!

    – Christina

  • Barb says:

    I think you could still wear that top look today…..all those girls wore it on the show, “Friends”.

  • Banana Meet-Cute says:

    I’ve been watching a LOT of re-runs of Beverly hills 90210 at the moment and the clothes are amazing. Dylan owned the denim overalls look, with one strap down of course! And Tori Spelling is hardcore channelling Drew Barrymore. I don’t blame her because Drew was the coolest 90’s girl ever.

  • Lauren says:

    God I was wearing all this stuff! And remember Johnny Depp and Winona. Best couple ever!

  • Axelle says:

    I see a lot of Drew Barrymore in this post :D

  • Nicola's Beads says:

    Hehehe! Fab trip down memory lane for an otherwise dull Tuesday! Just love how we thought we looked cool! :)

  • Frances says:

    Miss Moss your posts are a breath of fresh air. Thank you from a fan.
    I watched the 90’s series ‘Felicity’ a few years ago and loved Keri Russell and her voluminous golden hair, the intense and excruciatingly slow-moving boy crushes, the art school angst and the softly romantic and nerdy fashion!

  • Carrie says:

    Babydoll dresses, thigh highs and combat boots! That’s what I was was wearing in the 90’s.

  • Tanya says:

    Love this post.

    I started thrifting in 6th grade (1987!!). I also grew up to be a pattern detecting scientist. What I have noticed from years of thrifting and following fashion with geeky intensity is that fashion seems to be driven — at least partly — by what the cool young kids are discovering at the thrift store.

    In the 80s I scored some fabulous 50s clothes that aren’t just laying around anymore. And you can see the 50s inspiration in the 80s clothes. Every generation adds their own little twists or slight silhouette modifications, but the inspiration is clearly there.

    I knew the 90s were officially back when I caught myself asking a poor 18 year old in a lingerie store if she had any bustiers suitable to wear in public — “you know, like 90s supermodels in strappy bondage dresses. It’s a thing.” Haha.

  • Harriet says:

    I love that you’ve worked Sarah Michelle Gellar into nearly every trend…

    I distinctly remember my first velvet ribbon choker, and going to get all my hair chopped off after seeing an Emporio Armani ad at the bus stop, full of long-fringed pixie-cut girls in about 14 layers of woollen clothing.

  • Gianelli Ann says:

    I love seeing my girl Drew killing it in every style! Thanks for the 90’s love <333

  • Clarisha says:

    Such a fun read.

  • f says:

    totally lived/dressed through these 90s trends! i can’t help but hoping these looks will never come back though fashion always recycles itself, looking back as it looks forward. i’m also really glad i was never old enough to get married in the 90s… shudder.

  • elana says:

    the white t-shirt under the print maxi dress with spaghetti straps. had forgotten all about that!! was the ultimate in cool.

  • Kayte says:

    This is amazing! I had that Betsy Johnson daisy dress. Saved up all my babysitting money to get it too. Oh and I once hot glued daisies all over my crushed velvet leggings.I used to wear them with a little crochet cardigan.Talk about a ’90s trend mash-up.

  • @Laura_Monroi says:

    Fashion Statements from the ’90s vía @miss_moss

  • @Mengeskhan says:

    “90s Fashion Moments” good read

  • Michelle says:

    Hilarious! This is all too real to me. My favorites also included palazzo pants, beige doc martins, tie-dye tshirts and glow in the dark jewelry and anything incorporating a yin yang symbol.

  • @Liiivaa says:

    Los 90’s siempre tendrán su encanto particular

  • @_satelliteeyes says:

    These 90’s Fashion Moments are friggin exquisite. Definitely going to rip off no.10. via @miss_moss

  • @ShopMaeven says:

    Top 90s fashion moments that you loved and will love again via @miss_moss. What’s your fave?

  • @blessthatdress says:

  • @bere_jh says:

    Los noventas

  • @LeilaniJM says:

    I know @ShirlyShirl will love this

  • valentina says:

    oh my goodness this is amazing. I’m really bad at noticing the ‘fashion moments’ that happen, plus I was just a kid in the 90s but I kind of remember all this!


  • @ShirlyShirl says:

    “@LeilaniJM: I know @ShirlyShirl will love this” Pretty much wore all of these outfits back in the day! #90s

  • Fabi Mauricio says:

    and over plucked eyebrows

  • @JovanaZuka says:

    Dear 90s fashion, you were terrible on so many levels :D…

  • Emma Tarswell (@etarswell) says:

    The trends of my childhood: (via @miss_moss) #90s #daisies #plaid #90sFashion

  • @_saysthegirl says:

    Yes to all of this @missmoss –

  • @quovixi says:

    If you were a young girl in the 90s, you might appreciate this fond recap of the fashions.

  • noodle says:

    Sarah Michelle Gellar overload!

  • @shespider says:

    melhor época da moda gente como pode (via @camayuszka)

  • @amamiya_rie says:

    90s fashion moments

  • @lgaba says:

    Wow, the fashion of the 90’s was just the best –

  • @NadineBurzler says:

    Been there. Done that. Repeatedly..

  • Cool and Cheap (@CCCoolandcheap) says:

    90s Fashion Moments | Miss Moss

  • Sharon says:

    I loved this article! Thanks for the great laugh.

  • Erica says:

    Oh man… I remember having hunter green converse and maroon vans and hunter green jeans and maroon jeans and I would wear the green converse with the maroon jeans and the maroon vans with the green jeans. I totally wore the t-shirt under a floral spaghetti strap sundress trend, too. Actually, I think usually my cap-sleeved t was a bodysuit that snapped at the crotch. A little awkward when changing for PE class, though I don’t remember being self-conscious about it so I probably wasn’t the only one. :) My favorite of all though was wearing plaid flannel shirt style dresses with converse. So comfortable.

  • Karen says:

    Best thing is how wonderfully normal all the women’s bodies looked!

  • @jenaardell says:

    90s Fashion Moments:

  • @Rhexnnx says:


  • kristen says:

    To me the 90’s generation are people of age in the 90’s, atleast 16/18+

  • Lorra says:

    Hahaha! How in the heck did pictures of ME make it in this post amongst celebrities? The one of me by the locker and dancing in the living room – weird. Well I’m kinda honoured to be included hah!!

  • Bee says:

    Could you do one of these but for Men’s fashion moments?

  • Jennifer Franklin says:

    Still trying to find Alicia silverstone in any of those pics..

  • Sergey ieffe says:
