i was lucky enough to spend an evening at India House (so named for the bright blue old wooden door brought from Gujarat, India), a self-catering cottage in the Bastiaanskloof at the bottom of the Bainskloof Pass, less than 2 hours from Cape Town. the setting is so amazing that the beautiful decor and luxury finishes of the house itself are kind of just a bonus. not that anyone would complain about that swimming pool or lounging around on huge comfortable couches all day long. just beware of the baboons.
you can see more pics of the house and its lovely interior here. all photos by me.

“@miss_moss: India House. http://t.co/nvDAQOWgPY http://t.co/F8ikcNfTaV”AMAZING! Where is it?!
Beautiful images Diana, you have a wonderful eye. I hope is OK to be nosey . . . What did you use to take them and post-process them?
thanks! they’re shot with a Canon 5D (50mm lens) and i didn’t do much to them in post, just adjusted the light in some shots. no fancy filters or anything.
Thank you for the info! They do look fantastic.
Absolutely gorgeous! Would love to spend a little time here. That rug detail is so pretty.
Wow! What a beautiful place @miss_moss http://t.co/96hwIo4RYe
SA is so beautiful, I have recently been to Free State and I am already missing this. You are my way to surivive :-) Thank you ever so much for this incredible pics.
I love the Frida paintings and the outdoor shower. What a dream.
– Christina www.cityloveee.blogspot.com
Wow, I love this. Such a serene feel about the place. Thanks for the inspiration. http://chalkandlinen.blogspot.co.uk
India House | Miss Moss http://t.co/Lt561IEmt0
Hi there, I am working with India House on their Marketing, and we are putting together a mailer for them. We love the photos you have taken and I would like to use some of your photos in the mailer, with credit to you and a link back to this page. Can you let me know if that would be okay?