my husband just returned from an extended trip to LA and he brought back some lovely gifts, including a ceramic piece by artist Rebekah Miles. she is a new discovery to me (of course some immediate googling ensued) and i really enjoyed delving into her unique ceramic creations as well as her absolutely awesome book covers.
I am primarily a painter using ceramics as my “canvas”. I started teaching myself ceramics as a way of exploring making paintings as functional, sculptural pieces. I love putting my personal touch on the age-old artisanal craft of shaping basic forms from slabs, molds and templates.
I paint one-of-a-kind book jackets on a range of subjects, specific artists, cultural topics, photographers and authors. The selected books are a reference to art history and the art of literature and libraries. This process gives the book a new essence, and restores it to better shape (I try to find used books). It also makes it a functional sculpture/painting.

I have always loved ceramics and wished that I could create something beautiful from nothing other than my hands.
her work is absolutely amazing.
Wow, these gifts look so beautiful and special, like them all.
I love the very painterliness of her work, so tactile!
Very interesting designs.
very cool.
love the idea of having one…
Valentina Duracinsky Blog
@Joostenberg_B Rebekah MIles: