i come across a lot of things during my week that don’t necessarily fit into the category of These Things or Nice Things, but that i usually tweet about or just email to my friends. that’s one of the main ways that i, too, discover interesting and/or enjoyably distracting things online – especially from geniuses such as Jessica, whose READ LOOK THINK posts i always look forward to, and Of A Kind’s 10 Things We’re Doing newsletter which is just excellent.
now i too will be sharing bits and pieces in my new Mid Week Distraction posts. every Wednesday. i know people usually post links and things at the end of the week, but come Friday i am usually so sick of looking at my computer the last thing i want to do is surf the web!
i’d like to ask you guys about what you think of the blog these days. what do you want to see more of? (and what do you want to see less of?) i have always been a blog-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda gal, sharing as i go and not really planning ahead because i enjoy the spontaneous nature of the site. but if you want to see more of something – eg music, design, photography, or just personal posts – please let me know!
oh and just some technical notes: please remember you can view the site in Magazine Mode (quick! easy!) and you can also subscribe to posts via email.