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the new Pichulik SS15 range Baraka has just launched, and i’m really into the limited colour palette Kat has gone for. she drew her inspiration from the architecture of North Africa and the Middle East (the name barakah means “blessing” in Arabic)

The colours and designs evoke the religious talismans of the Berber of Morocco and prayer satchels used throughout the region. Green and gold are sacred in Islam as they represent paradise while the blue, the colour of protection, is reminiscent of the indigo robes worn by the Tuareg and the colours found in the 400-year-old Sultan Ahmet Camii, Istanbul’s Blue Mosque.

photography kope figgins | wardrobe kat van duinen | make-up nandi kai

Pichulik: Baraka
Pichulik: Baraka
Pichulik: Baraka
Pichulik: Baraka

Pichulik: Baraka
Pichulik: Baraka
Pichulik: Baraka
Pichulik: Baraka

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.