this month a year ago (!) i shared the apartment of Madelynn Furlong, the creative gal behind blog Wide Eyed Legless. you have probably seen Madelynn pop up all over the stylish corners of the internet this past year, doing collaborations with various fashionable brands like Loeffler Randall & Steven Alan, getting casually snapped by Garance and continuing to curate a beautifully monochromatic Instagram account with a substantial following. and just, well, be pretty cool. now Madelynn has launched a shop. and it’s good.
WEL is more than a shop; it’s a labor of love. Drawn from collaborations with like-minded friends, WEL seeks to form a relationship between visual artists, designers and those who wish to inherit beautiful objects into their lives. e see ourselves as a “communal well” to partake of art and beauty – a place to celebrate the creator, the cerated and the space between.
WEL features products with collaborators I’ve featured on the blog including Young Frankk, Jujumade and Another Feather, as well as Winsome, Dust & Form, Carrier Pigeon and Jesse Draxler. Photos: Caylon Hackwith. Styling: Liz Gardner / Bodega. Patterned Painting: Ffruit Party Painting Co. / Sarah Burns.

so cool, love her!
Thank you so much for featuring this project. So glad you like it!