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i don’t know what it is about 2015, but for some reason i feel like it’s going to be really GREAT! i get that sense from the people who surround me in my personal life, as well as from rad people that i follow online, too. it’s almost as if everyone is saying, “2014 sucked! let’s give 2015 a real GO.” i’m going to keep reminding myself of this sentiment if ever things go wrong this year (as they invariably do). and just keep on keeping on.

anyway, here’s what’s been distracting me this week.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9


so awesome. contains nudity, just so ya know.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9

Loco Parentis: You Pretty Much Get It

“Dear Childfree Person…”

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9

Tangerine Dream


Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9

Short Movie

new song and great video from Laura Marling

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9

Recipe Journals

by Anna Rastorgueva

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9


a light & dance show

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9

Bioluminescent Forest

no, you’re not on drugs

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9

Girls In Peacetime Want To Dance

new album from Belle and Sebastian

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9

Best songs of 2014

by Kate Miss

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9

“Shia LaBeouf”

i’ve watched this maybe ten times

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9

Get Fit Challenge

no gym, no equipment, 30 minutes a day

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 9

Vaccines work

here are the facts

A video posted by Andrew Kolb (@kolbisneat) on

time lapses by illustrator by Andrew Kolb

all of David Bowie’s hairstyles! by Helen Green

and saving the best for last, THIS GIRL CAN:

“This Girl Can is a celebration of active women up and down the country who are doing their thing no matter how well they do it, how they look or even how red their face gets.”

This Girl Can

This Girl Can

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.


  • Rae says:

    Thanks for these awesome links – what an abundance of great things to check out. I think I am coming down with a cold so this post could not come at a perfect time. Will lay on the sofa tomorrow and check these out!

    Rae | love from berlin

  • Sarah says:

    These are great – thank you for taking time hunting these down and conglomerating them all in one place for me ;)

  • maggie says:

    Such an awesome array of things to check out! Laura Marling is my JAM, so I am excited to see this video. I have a good feeling about 2015 as well! Thanks!


  • Jessica says:

    so many great things!!

    I felt like that sentiment has come up so much in the first month of this new year. “2014 was the worst. Let’s be awesome 2015!” I’m glad I’m not crazy and other folks have noticed it ,too . :)

  • JJ says:

    Another fantastic round up!!! I read your blog daily and I love it. your have beautiful taste and I love everything you share.
    I especially enjoy the click bait book covers and the bio-luminescent forest video!! And the songs of 2014 had many of my favorites on it.

    Thanks for sharing! Much love

  • Jeanatte says:

    2:21 on Projections in the Forest was my favorite part. And that sloth! Ahhh! Squealing from cuteness. :D

  • Ailish Goes says:

    LOVE This Girl Can!! What a brilliant campaign!

  • meg says:

    Always so love and look forward to this weekly mix from you! Thanks and happy happy 2015!

  • Caitlin says:

    Your mid-distraction posts are always some of my favorite, but I especially love the This Girl Can campaign! So powerful and true. Can’t wait to sweat it out at my barre class tomorrow! Thanks for sharing!

  • Joanna says:

    So much interesting stuff! I didn’t have a perfect start to the year but I also get a vibe this year will be exciting and happy. Its a lot about the attitude we have when faced with adversities xx

  • Mun says:

    3 cheers because this is back!

  • anna says:

    i LOVE this girl can. so refreshing.

  • Channing says:

    You always stumble/discover the coolest things. I admire your internet skills! haha
