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i’ve made an effort to fill this month’s music mix with mostly, well, new music. these are all albums that have recently been released (at least this year) or are about to be released. so if you want to discover some new tunes then you’d best delve into these here tracks. i know people are hating on the new Mumford & Sons album, and personally i am not a fan, but Tompkins Square Park is a pretty great track. i am also loving the new Lord Huron album.

enjoy. you can either listen on Spotify or 8tracks. oh, hey, it’s (basically) JUNE?! also – cover art by Mila Libman.

and just to make it easy for you, here are most of the albums & singles that are featured above, to buy on iTunes:

Lord Huron, Strange Trails

Lord Huron – Strange Trails

The Wombats, Glitterbug

The Wombats, Glitterbug

Cayacus, Dancing at the Blue Lagoon

Cayacus, Dancing at the Blue Lagoon

Good Old War, Broken Into Better Shape

Good Old War, Broken Into Better Shape

Little Boots, Working Girl

Little Boots, Working Girl

Mumford and Sons, Wilder Mind

Mumford and Sons, Wilder Mind

Jamie XX, In Colour

Jamie XX, In Colour

St Vincent, Teenage Talk

St Vincent, Teenage Talk

Christine and the Queens, Saint Claude

Christine and the Queens, Saint Claude

Ryn Weaver, The Fool

Ryn Weaver, The Fool

Tame Impala, Currents

Tame Impala, Currents

Aurora, Running With Wolves

Aurora, Running With Wolves

Arctic Lake, Only Me

Arctic Lake, Only Me

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.


  • fabio says:

    This is MossPlaylist at her old original best! Excellent! Many thanks Diana!

  • Emma Shillington (@magical_making) says:


  • Elizabeth says:

    excited to listen to this playlist and discover some new music. good start with lord huron :)

  • casey says:

    Thank You

  • @siblingmine says:

    #nowplaying June from @miss_moss in anticipating of an electrical month ahead #letsbetogether

  • Dee W. says:

    I can’t wait to give this a listen. There are a few bands I’ve never heard of, a few bands I absolutely adore (can we talk about how amazing all of Tame Impala’s releases are?), and a few bands that I’ve stepped away from for a while but you’ve reminded me to revisit them. YAY MUSIC!

    Dee |

  • Nadège says:

    I’m french woman from South of France. I say thanks you for this blog and all work !
    “Miss Moss” is for me simply like a little gif every day . Nadège.

  • @SugarAndCloth says:

    Starting June off with a large cup of coffee & this playlist from @miss_moss!

  • @CadyWhicker says:

    yes yes playlist you are my love

  • catching Neptune says:

    Lovely playlist, thanks a lot for sharing.
    All the best !

  • Megan says:

    Loving this mix and listening to it on a loop! :)