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heeeeeeeeeeey guys! not much news around here, except that it is finally cold and i get to wear a scarf again. do you know how much this excites me? A LOT. i’m also hoping that maybe it will rain soon, since we are starting to get hit by water restrictions. so not only is SA running out of electricity, we are also a thirsty bunch!

on the lighter side of life, here are some DISTRACTIONS.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

Art History in Contemporary Life

exactly what you think it is – brilliant.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

Tehran replaces all billboards with art

i vote that all cities should do this.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

a day in the life of Pinterest

made me laugh SO MUCH. now i need to buy her book.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

Bound 2Gether

Kanye’s Bound music video reimagined as a children’s book

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

Amanda & Finn

i can’t decide if i want to be her friend, or Finn’s. or both.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

Flower House

abandoned houses in Detroit transformed by flowers

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

Mad Max: Fury Road is awesome

the movie really IS awesome. and i like this article about it.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

A Kim Jong-Il Production

this story is unbelievable. i also need to read the book.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

The Friend

this story just about killed me.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

The Ghetto Tarot

Haitian artists transform tarot cards into real scenes

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24


those are real pieces of food, cut into perfect cubes.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

Bar Luce

a Wes Anderson themed cafe, by Anderson himself.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

The Art of Hair

hair queen Rubi Jones tells all her styling hair secrets.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

Hourly Rate Calculator

the best one i’ve seen yet

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

Dinner Mode

an app that forces you to actually enjoy your food, like a normal person.

Miss Moss: Mid Week Distraction No. 24

Today’s Skype Boyfriend

Jean pranks weirdos on Skype

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.