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Ellen Surrey is an illustrator from Los Angeles with a love of old Hollywood, California Modernism and classic Disney. she has amassed a vast collection of screenshots from classic movies, which she watches in her downtime, and has turned to them for creative inspiration…

I watch a lot of movies, especially the classic ones. Because I love the look of these movies so much I usually take screen shots while I’m watching. These screen shots make for great reference but lately I feel as if I could be utilizing them so much more. Sometimes I have a hard time deciding what to draw and paint when that creative urge hits, so I thought I would start painting my collection of screen shots. Each painting is on a small 3″ x 4″ piece of watercolor paper and painted in gouache.

thanks to Ellen i’m going to have to watch The Cat From Outer Space. you can see all her film stills at her website. thanks to Mallory for the introduction!

Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills

Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills
Ellen Surrey: Film Stills Ellen Surrey: Film Stills
Ellen Surrey: Film Stills

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.