actress Philomène Toulouse in Cannes, 1962.
hey, how you guys doing? it is hot here, and as a pregnant women i do NOT appreciate it. i feel like there should be someone i can scold for the weather’s terrible behaviour. unfortunately it will only get warmer over the next few months, February and March are historically (in the history of my own life, that is) my least favourite & most uncomfortable months of the year. so to be enduring them in my third trimester is just kind of hilarious, really. i’m 25 weeks today! it has gone by really quickly, and i sort of wish it wouldn’t be over so soon. to distract me, and you, here’s a mid week distraction.
touching story of two scientists who died in a suicide pact, as told by their three daughters
My marriage didn’t end when I became a widow
heartwrenching piece by Lucy Kalanithi, whose husband died of lung cancer at age 37.
How Making a Murderer went wrong
the exact problem i have with this show.
(don’t read if you haven’t finished watching)
Me and my Syrian refugee lodger
“He does not appreciate the middle-class obsession with sanded floorboards, when we could all afford wall-to-wall carpets.”
A blueprint of Frasier’s apartment
you can actually buy these as posters – there’s a Friends one too!
I was pregnant all through the Australian summer (only my first trimester was in temps under 25!), and I have no advice for you at all of how to make it better. It sucks! BUT, the good thing is that going through birth and having a newborn felt way better physically than being pregnant! So you have even more to look forward to! Oh, one tip that I’m sure you know about already- put your feet up on a wall at about a 45 degree angle to help fluid flow away from your ankles. It works and feels good.
Good luck!
i’ll definitely be doing that feet thing as i am prone to cankles – pregnancy or not! well done for making it through an Aussie summer while knocked up, i wouldn’t wish that on anybody.
thinking of you during the last stretch of pregnancy, diana! hang in there! xoxoxo and thank you so much for linking to lucy’s piece. will forward to her now, too:)
Mid Week Distraction No. 32
Everyone does does these lists of internet finds but yours and Joanna’s are the two best I’ve found.
And good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Exciting!!
I’m not pregnant but the heat isn’t any more comfortable!
The Jap cheesecake link might motivate me to start using up the cheese that’s been sitting in the fridge because I bought them just for this purpose…
*happy sigh* Wish there was some way we could thank you for your all-around general superness.
‘Calmbirth’…….Check it.
I just love these every single time. Such a happy corner of the internet.
oh yay, you found the Panam Lounge :) And I’m signing up for all the other links for the rest of my day!
Please tell me you are considering cloth nappies {see bringing home a baby on a budget}. I’ve used them for a year on my little guy and they are the best thing ever!!! You can order online in SA and receive them in a few days.
yes actually, been doing some research the past few days…
You are one fantastic link curator (that should be a job title in the future).
Thank you
rad list!
Ive been OBSESSED with Senor Reverberation Radio for the past 18 months or so. I follow him on Instagram and FB so I never miss a new mix announcement.
And I am making that cheesecake immediately.
Thanks for the distractions!
We could always trade? Here in Canada its a frigid -20 C (or -4 F) regularly; February and March are also my most despised months! The wind, the cold and the slush are not so pleasant.
Long time reader of your blog; great stuff!!! :) I am 16 weeks pregnant so some of the baby musings are nice!