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above: ceramic coconut bowl by Cristaseya.

if i am ever in a homeware store with Anton and i start wandering towards the coffee mugs i think he breaks into a cold sweat, screaming internally don’t buy any more mugs. but you see – i want all of the mugs. specifically i want a collection of odd mugs, weird ones and cool ones and handmade ones. i want to be like one of those crazy aunts who has a variety of mugs and she asks you, “which one would you like, dear?” here are some mugs, and other ceramics, that i like.

Ceramics on Miss Moss

btw ceramics

Ceramics on Miss Moss

Universal Isaac

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.


  • Caitlin Confidential says:

    Why are mugs so satisfying? SO many beautiful ceramic pieces. Heath Ceramics in Los Angeles make some nice ones as well!

    Caitlin Confidential | Caitlin Confidential

  • Emma Shillington (@magical_making) says:

    Mug Life

  • Dot says:

    These are gorgeous!! My favorite mugs are by Lora Rust, who is from my hometown. Her stuff is so intricate!

  • Lisa says:

    Mug life at its finest – the loveliest selection my dear! xx-Lisa

  • Alex says:

    LOL you too funny

  • joanna goddard says:

    love these!

  • Sarra says:

    Just gorgeous! Am in ceramic love!

  • Meg says:

    SO. MUCH. PRETTY. I honestly can’t choose my favourite out of these, although the Saint Karen ones have lovely handles!


    These are beautiful!

  • Sara Birds says:

    I’m so happy to read I’m not the only crazy mug lady. The newest members of my collection are from Pols Ceràmic and i can’t wait for them to arrive on Monday :)

  • Lucy Browning says:

    It’s so true! I love a variety of handmade mugs / plates etc too, and it’s so fun to pick different ones in the morning depending on your mood :) little joys. Love it


  • Stacy says:

    I love the coconut mug, that’s the most creative thing I’ve ever seen. Coconut coffee, that’ something new. Thanks for sharing all the ceramic colours and shapes, it’s inspiring!

  • Clare says:

    Oh thank god it isn’t just me! I have had to designate my mugs for different times, beverages just to make them useful….. morning mug, evening mug, hot chocolate mug….afternoon tea mug when I’m feeling melancholy.

  • Gabriella says:

    I too am mug obsessed! I nearly moved to New Orleans a few weeks ago because I was so enticed by a coffee shop with a ceramics studio… they have ceramics classes and make their own mugs! How ideal, right? In other mug news, I bought this mug at a sale at Bauer Pottery here in Los Angeles, and it it the most satisfying thing to hold! Highly recommend it.

  • Jess says:

    Finally, someone else who understands my mug obsession! I’ve totally had that thought about being the crazy aunt/friend/mom/grandma and I’m totally okay with it. Every time I go to Target I find myself unconsciously wandering into the mug aisle, casually counting all the ones already on my shelf. And my guilty pleasure after a long day at work is to hit up Goodwill for all the $0.25 mug gems that strike my fancy. I think we’re well on our way to crazy mug aunt status.