last week Anton and i got sucked in, deep, to the classic 1989 western mini-series Lonesome Dove. it got to the point where i was texting him during the day saying “don’t watch LD without me!” even though my husband is partial to the occasional cowboy film, we were both oblivious to its existence.
which is why it was such a nice surprise, i actually fell onto the couch the day Anton had started watching it, distracted by my phone and not expecting to get caught up in it at all. next thing i know i was all, “is that… Robert Duvall? and Danny Glover? …wait, is that Tommy Lee Jones with a peroxided beard? ooh a young Diane Lane… hold on, Glenne Headly?! Chris Cooper! ANJELICA HUSTON!! STEVE motherflipping BUSCEMI…?!” (Anton hates when i do this – i’m like a walking IMDb)
needless to say it has a stellar cast – that’s how the good ones getcha, darlin’. and Lonesome Dove doesn’t pussy foot around, i haven’t seen so many characters die since Game of Thrones. so if you’re looking for something new (old) to watch, give it a whirl!
PS it’s based on a Pulitzer Prize winning book. also here’s some vintage cowboys & girls for ya.

Oh, man, Lonesome Dove is the best!!! The book is amazing too – I read it back in high school and then watched the mini series with my mom (it’s one of the few movies we have on DVD and one of the few movies my family can agree to watch together). Those water moccasins, man. Get me every time. Definitely read the book! If it’s possible, it will make you fall even more in love with Gus.
I was just thinking yesterday I needed to find a good new book to read, I think this might be it! Thank you both for the recommendation, it looks fantastic.
One of our favorite lines is from Lori after Gus saves her from Blue Duck. She says, “They shouldn’t a took me, Gus.” And, he says, “No, darlin’, they shouldn’t a took you.” It is exactly what shrinks say you should say to a victim of abuse. How did Gus know that? You agree with them and let them know they are safe now. Don’t dismiss what they say to you. So, tender and sweet. We, jokingly, say it a lot. Like, if someone cuts in line… They shouldn’t a took him. It kind of makes it all better.
Lonesome Dove
This is one of my all time favorite mini series! LD4EVR. So glad you found it.
It might be time for my husband and I to re-watch it. We do once every 5 years or so.
If you want to watch a awesome western Unforgiven with Clint Eastwood is far the best Western.
Very intersting post! Great photos:)
Have you watched BBC’s latest War & Peace adaptation ? The costumes are fabulous and the scenes in the Russian countryside are dreamy <3
Duvall is ageless – I swear he has looked the same in every movie since I was born in 1985 – probably even before that.
Oh man I love Lonesome Dove! I grew up watching John Wayne movies with my grandpa but Lonesome Dove was the first one that had a lot of epic romance (to my 11 year old self at least). Now I’m going to have to watch it again.
so funny you posted about this, THE BEST EVER MINI-SERIES. I almost named my son Augustus, swear I almost did. I will now have to re-watch this after reading your post!
i am not even joking, Anton and I turned to each other and we were like “Augustus is a pretty cool name…” well, you’d just want to call him Gus, really.
i know! that was the problem, i really wanted the name to stay Augustus, not Gus. I named my son Ethan, and he is very much a Ethan, so it worked out in the end. Something about that name Augustus though… ;)
A few years back, my brother and I did a spring break binge of watching Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman with beer and chex mix (as you do?). This reminds me a lot of that, definitely something to look into!
Lori Darlin’