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hey! feel like i haven’t spoken to you guys in ages. that’s because our life has been turned upside down – we moved into our new house (where there is still no internet connection…) and i am officially nearing the end of my pregnancy. as in, our boy could come any day now. yesterday i was told that he is rather large and so i have been having visions of this guy. i’m officially nesting (albeit slowly) and have started googling things like “easy freezer meals”.

anyway, the new house is awesome. we feel very lucky to have gone from a 1 bedroom to having all this space. and walls! lots more walls. so now i can start collecting more art and other fun things to hang. i would love to have one of these rad letter boards in our foyer (yes we have a foyer??!!). they are by Three Potato Four, also known at Letterclub.

they come in loads of sizes – buy them on Etsy.

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.


  • Angelina says:

    Love it :) Now, I want to run out and get a letter board. I have a lot to say to all the teenagers in the house ;)

  • Anastasia says:

    It’s hard to accurately tell the size of a baby while he’s still in utero, and medical predictions are often wrong! Fear not!

    • Nonô says:

      Right! It happened to me too. Prevision 3.7 kg and she was born with 2,9k !! Never trust the ultrasound to the weight. And relax ; )

  • Shakti Wood says:

    Gosh, I want one immediately! I’d want to change it all the time though.

  • Ahtziri says:

    First time in this blog. I think is very pretty and classy.
    The only thing that really disturbed my attention was the totally absence of capital letters at the beginning of each sentence. I think adding them could give even a classier look. Greetings from Italy!

  • Bridget says:

    I love these!

  • Yolandi North says:

    Need a letter board too!

  • @MiniCorpHQ says:

    Gotta get some of these letterboards from @3potato4 in the new MiniCorp office: