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music mix cover is a detail from this painting by Karin Olsson.

do you want to know what i have been listening to for the past 3 months? Enya. a whole lot of Enya. my baby loves it. or at least i think he does, because he sleeps like a, well, baby when it’s playing. and sleep is precious. now that we’re at the 3 month mark things are a whole lot easier in the sleeping department, but i still default to the Celtic queen when it’s his naptime.

which means that i haven’t listened to any new music since his birth. and if you know me at all, i LOVE my music. so it was kind of awesome for me to delve into what i have missed this past while – and i’ve missed a whole lot! Bat For Lashes has a new album! Mumford and Sons collaborated with a South African band! there’s new music from Father John Misty, Bon Iver, Devendra Banhart and a whole lot of other indie favourites…

so, this is a MEGA music mix. listen to it on Spotify here or on 8tracks here, or down below.

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.


  • LISA says:

    Aw dear, we’re listening to the same music, exactly. Whoop, whoop!

  • Mariell Øyre says:


    My daughter prefers opera and the vacuum cleaner.

  • Clare says:

    I’m still incubating (for a good while yet), but husband has grand plans of headphones-on-the-belly to ensure that Paul Simon and Nick Cave are baby’s preferred naptime music! XD

    I am also under strict instructions to sing the 59th St Bridge Song at least once a day from 28 weeks on!

  • serena says:

    finally! thanks!

  • Shelley Alder says:

    Thanks is so funny. My Husband was obsessed with Enya, first album 1988 and our first daughter was born in March 1987. . We all still tease him when he has anything to say about music choices … the girls – 3 in total … all chant in high pitched harmony … no Dad , sail away ,sail away , sail away! I must also say all 3 daughters never had any sleep problems and I thought that was just very good luck. Turns out it was Enya !!!
    Enjoy your beautiful baby and have a lot relaxing moments with Enya.


  • Jacilyn says:

    I look forward to these playlists all year and when they appear it just makes my month! I’m so happy I found you so long ago.. you’ve been a big part of my daily life. All the best, J.

  • f says:

    yay, new music! impressed you found the time with the baby… your playlists are my go to whilst working. :-D

  • Bridget Wall says:

    Thanks for sharing the new mix! They’re always something I look forward to. Have you listened to the new Joseph album? I’m really liking them right now.

    I feel like I could sing you all of that Pure Moods CD that came out in the 90s, I found it very soothing as a young kiddo (think 6-7). I had seen it on TV and then when out shopping at a used CD store spotted it and knew I had to have it. Sadly, it’s not on Spotify, but the artists are in some ways, if you poke around. (Gahh, now I have Tubular Bells in my head. Of course I do).

  • Nabila says:

    love love the playlist! my baby’s fav is erik satie.. so we’ve been hearing a whole lot of erik satie lately, because as we know it, sleep is precious!!

  • eleah says:

    Your mixes over the years have always been incredible! Thanks for showing these great tunes! xx