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a funny thing happens when you have a baby. besides the whole gaining weight and weird postpartum tummy deal, you just dress differently. well – i did. i can honestly say that for the first 10 weeks of his life i wore leggings, nursing tops and oversized checked shirts. that’s ALL. i was in such a daze that when the fog started lifting around week 6 i was like, what am i wearing? and now i am finally starting to wear some normal clothes again. i rejoiced when i fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans, only to have them rip when i bent over (true story). so, we’re still working on it.

and to be honest i’m just not really into fashion right now… until i saw these clothes by Aussie label Caves Collect and then i was suddenly really into fashion again!

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.