i often get asked by readers who plan to visit Cape Town if i can recommend hotels in the city, and though i haven’t stayed in any local places myself (i mean, i live here) i always point them in the direction of La Grenadine. a few years back i took these photos for Conde Nast Traveler, and ever since i have fantasised about a mini staycation in this sweet guesthouse run by French expats Mélodie & Maxime. 10/10 would recommend.
photographs by me for CN Traveler.

I’m so in love with the interior design, that little boat shaped mirror stole my heart! xx
Oh yes, I live in a popular city for tourists, with horribly expensive accommodation, and get so many ‘can you recommend a hotel?’ e-mails/ messages from friends and acquaintances. And I’m always like ‘I don’t know! I have an apartment here!’
Making it worse, the hotels in my city tend to be clustered either in a very touristy part that I just never, ever go to, because it’s full of tourists; or the roughest part of downtown (it’s totally weird to me that big chains like the Hyatt and Hilton are located in a part of town I’d be cautious about walking around in alone after dark).
I stayed here for one night after a crazy work trip, and didn’t leave the grounds, it was too lovely! Thankfully I’ve been to Cape Town several times, so I didn’t feel like I was missing out, I just wanted to soak in La Grenadine in all of its glory!
It’s in an amazing location for exploring the city, but my biggest recommendation is that if you stay here, definitely reserve some time to just stay in the compound and enjoy all that it has to offer! 100% lives up to the hype, every moment is perfectly curated and it’s such a peaceful oasis right inside the city.
Echoing you, 10/10 would recommend (and I have!)