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so i haven’t done a music mix since August last year, and i have two things to blame for that: (1) Babies. i just don’t have the leisure time to delve into new music anymore! + (2) i don’t really like new music?? actually no, i just find it such a chore to discover new tunes that grab me. i complained about this on Twitter the other day, and someone pointed me to this article which says that people stop listening to new music at the age of 33. GUESS WHAT. i turned 33 last year, in September. so that ship has sailed, son!

well i am making more of a concerted effort, because the thought of not listening to new music anymore is really depressing. even though this mix has many old favourite artists who are releasing new music – Future Islands! Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! Goldfrapp! The Shins! Lorde! Little Dragon! also, if you have 5 minutes to kill, this music quiz is really quite fun.

Listen on Spotify here:

and, for the South Africans (if you can’t access Spotify) – the only alternative i’ve found is Deezer:

original cover image art by Erin Lynn Walsh

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.


  • Livin' Life Like It's Golden says:

    Cool! Love the selection. Will use on my morning walk. :)

  • April says:

    Gavin Turek! Listen to Gavin Turek she’s the best ^_^

  • Nina says:

    Thank you so much for this! I’m 42, so, according to that article, I haven’t sought out new music for almost 10 years. But, believe it or not, I’ve actually heard of Goldfrapp and The Shins by some stroke of luck, probably a great blogger like yourself, and I’ve been able to somewhat keep up, though it’s been awhile since I’ve found a good list like this. If I have to listen to another Hip Hop Drake, Justin Bieber, Rihanna (yes, her too) song on the radio or t.v again I’m going to go mad. So thank you for some gorgeous sounding alternatives. Love The 1975. Excellent stuff!

  • Sarah says:

    You made me laugh so much about being 33 and listening to new music. I’m 34 and making SUCH an effort to listen to new stuff but I am just not feeling it. Add to that, I have started to listen to Classic FM in the car! I’ve got old overnight!

  • seri says:

    “i just find it such a chore to discover new tunes that grab me” EXACTLY. and I’m 27 so…
    Thank you for this mix!

  • Tess says:

    I literally just navigated to your site to listen to a music mix because they’re amazing and lo and behold, there was a new one. I went “AHH!” which is a positive noise. Love it!

  • sangri says:

    Haha, so true about feeling too lazy to find new music! I think that I’ve felt like that for couple of years although I just turned 33 literally two days ago. That said, I’ve loved your music mixes as long as I read you your blog (again, couple of years? who knows, time tends to run so quickly!) and have discovered quite a few new favourites this way, so – yay, and thank you for a new one!

  • Laura says:

    Wow, i am 33 and really do feel that way too. The past few years I’d at least check out the year-end best album lists, but now i can’t even bring myself to do that. It makes me kinda sad, music used to be such a big part of my life!

  • Gillan says:

    I love Childish Gambino! And you also have Lorde’s latest single, I’m hooked!

  • Micaela says:

    Love that there is so much new and old music to continue to explore. Thanks for contributing this playlist to my March listening, alongside my own playlist (which you might enjoy!).

  • KCK says:

    I’ll be 54 this month and still finding excellent tunes! So much interesting world music, jazz & psych out there. But I’m with you, sometimes it’s hard to find and hard to find the time to seek it out. Some of my current fun favorites are Quintron & Miss Pussycat, the ZZZ, Triggs & the Longest Day, A Place to Bury Strangers and the trumpet player Corey Wilkes. Jam on it….

  • mc says:

    I found Sinkane’s “Favorite Song” on playlists – it’s so good. All of his music is so funky and fun. Check out “How We Be” as well.

  • fefe says:

    OMG I needed this today. Thanks so much!

  • Eleah Reimer says:

    YASSS so glad you are back on the music train! I have always loved your playlists, but I totally get it is so difficult to find new tunes and it is a bit of a chore!