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above: jewellery by Corey Moranis

Jewels! here it is again, my sort of annual round up of cool new jewels out there… besides all the jewellery i blog about seemingly all year long. edition huit, ‘eight’ in french. huit. sounds like a whistle. and these jewels sure are pretty. *whistles*

Corey Moranis

such interesting jewellery made from lucite! i love this bold loop necklace.


who doesn’t like Matisse inspired jewellery? no one, that’s who. my fav: the Kamala earrings

Another Feather

when last did you see ankle bracelets? Another Feather are making some beautiful ones.

Leigh Miller

i love these chunky, bulbous organic shapes by Leigh Miller… can’t pick a favourite to be honest.

Knobbly Studio

the Nude series of necklaces and earrings are just wonderful.

Paula Mendoza

beautiful theatrical pieces, these earrings (chandeliers?) are out of this world.

Natalie Joy

those chandelier earrings are beautiful, but the simple ear jackets are also super cool.


i like these imperfect earrings that look like shells (these ones too)


more chunky, organic shapes (love these!) – i think the pearl drops are my favourite.

Rock Salt Vintage

i loooooove these Pera earrings. also the boobie necklaces are cute.

Giant Lion

some more awesome womanly pieces by Giant Lion

The Things We Keep

these Mono earrings are dramatic and beautiful

Laura Lombardi

tough choice, but the staff earrings are my favourite

West Native

i’m definitely an earrings gal at the moment! these ones are great.

Open House Projects

known for their Matisse earrings, but i like these too. also available at Need Supply Co.


interesting graphic pieces here

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.