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hey hey hey what’s this?? a MUSIC MIX YOU SAY?? wait, is it 2011??

i still get people asking me to make music mixes like in the old days and i keep promising to do it, but it’s hard to really delve into new music these days. i tend to listen to a hodge podge of music on Spotify and often just revert back to my favourites (hello, Elton John). but i made an effort this month to put together a proper playlist of new music i’m enjoying. it’s a pretty good one!

listen below or follow on Spotify here.

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.


  • Jasmijn says:

    Great mix! Especially love the last four tracks. I followed, so definitely going to give it another listen this October.

  • Bridget Wall says:

    Just what I needed this morning while catching up on things–thanks for sharing!

  • Jenny Guild says:

    Great sounds. I just read a post you wrote a year ago that you were finding blog life waning. I’m so glad you’re still around, please don’t give up! And def don’t go over to Insta, you’ll get lost amongst all those algorithms, it’s such a fleeting forum, gone with a swipe……… preference is to read your story at leisure and enjoy the brightness you bring to world!! Hope the new baby is everything and more.

  • florence says:

    yay, so excited you made a mix!

  • rachel says:

    I’ve loved your blog for years. That is all. :)