hello friends. how are you doing? what strange times. even stranger is that i had the urge to blog again. share a bit of brightness, some distraction, some familiarity. i don’t know how many of you are still out there reading this, but let’s start slow – with a new music mix.
we have been enjoying our tunes a lot lately. Axel is obsessed with the classic Beatles hits. he knows all the words to Yellow Submarine, Hey Jude and Michelle. i tend to put my Spotify Likes playlist on shuffle and we often end up jamming in the kitchen. you should see Axie’s dance moves….! it’s a great way to get a 1.5 and a 4 year old to expend some energy, and just make us a bit happy, during these endless days at home.
listen to the mix here. i hope this brings some light into your day, wherever you are.
cover image: Leon James & Willa Mae Ricker, 1943 photographed by Gjon Mili for LIFE