one of the stranger things to emerge in the past couple of years is the popularity of the 80s decor aesthetic. i don’t mean typical neon miami vibes (though that is having a resurgence, too) but the sort of beachy, creamy, beige, soft pink, round edges, boucle, rattan rattan rattan of my childhood. and i don’t hate it!!
did you know that you can browse all the IKEA catalogues from the 1950s onwards at the IKEA Museum online? really fun to see the design trends as they happened – think i’m going to have to do the 90s next.
all images courtesy of the IKEA Museum
Loved this post. The 80’s will always feel modern to me and looking at this catalogues makes me so happy. I think they are beautiful. Thank you.
Wow, this just took me back to my childhood big time. In Germany of the 80ies IKEA used to be so fresh and avantgarde compared to other furniture stores. It wasn’t mainstream so much as it is now.
It’s kind of fun to read the captions or comments to these pictures :)
ooooh the feel of that ! it really was the beginning of a globalised era !
and it still feels so modern ! i remember the machine that tested armchairs endlessly – fascinating !
thank you miss moss :)
OMG I love it! It’s really inspiring. I remember this aestetic from my childhood and it always have a taste of luxury for me.
Thank you for putting this post together!! I loved seeing the catalog photos and the connections!!