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hey! here’s a new music mix for you. TO BE HONEST AND FULL DISCLOSURE i have been listening to a LOT of music that is trending on Tik Tok these days. haha! it just makes me happy, what can i say? i’m very much into “non serious” music at the moment.

i mostly listen to tunes in the car, and most of the time i am driving my kids around. so they also love listening to very happy music. BANGERS, if you will. this includes a lot of Doja Cat and Saweetie which i realise i often have to skip cause it’s a bit inaprops for kids hehe… but Axel has great taste in music – he will often request Blinding Lights or Around The World or whichever song has struck his fancy that week… a promising start for a five year old.

anyway, Good Days On My Mind is a mix of some chill tunes, some pop, some upbeat electronica stuff and a sprinkle of indie. listen on Spotify here or stream below:

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.