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Rop van Mierlo is a Dutch artist who started experimenting with painting animals using a wet on wet technique during his senior thesis at design school (well he actually started since he was a kid, read more on that here). he wanted to depict wild animals in an untameable way, and so Wild Animals was born.

I made them very quickly: on one night, in one take. They were really done on intuition. They had to be made quite fast before the paper dried. I’m not sure if I immediately saw how nice they were. You can’t really think; you just paint, and the paint bleeds everywhere, and before you know it, you’re finished. You put them away, they keep bleeding for a while, and the next day you see what you’ve made.

follow the Wild Animals project at Rop’s website (where you can also buy lots of merch) and on Instagram.

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.

One Comment

  • Vancouver Barbara says:

    This is wonderful. You always find the best thingz.