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you know that feeling when you’re wandering through a town square somewhere in Europe and you’re hovering over the display of a local artist on the pavement – with artworks capturing the exact scenes you’re walking through?  that’s how i felt looking at artist & illustrator Clare Caulfield’s work. i’m not even in Venice but i want an illustration of Venice right now. or Paris. or NYC. or Rome.

Drawing has always been a very important part of Clare’s work. She is fascinated by architecture – be it the Midtown skyscrapers of Manhattan, The Grand Canal in Venice or simply capturing Parisian life outside a bustling pavement café. Her work is inspired by her travels to some of the world’s greatest cities, some of which she returns to again and again drawing on new ideas each time.

wow i haven’t travelled in a long, long time and now i’m sad…! but luckily if you feel the same way you can buy any of these prints from her online shop.


Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.