it was tough to find any information about Janel Lessing once i discovered these photos taken of her for LIFE in 1961. she seems to have been some kind of child artist prodigy, certainly worthy enough to have an entire editorial shot at her home. she’s probably around 10 or 11 years old in these photos, and her love for art is clear from the look on her face when she’s immersed in her work.
“Lessing did much of her best work at the ripe old age of 13, with sight so near she drew at 6 inches. But in despair later in life, she threw her entire personal collection away.” Bloch Gallery
“Children of twelve have boundless imaginations and prodigious talents. Such a child is Janel Lessing. Her hand and eye are quick and facile. But at this point her talent is imitative. The Calder-like fantasy drawings are very good. She draws skillfully and balances shapes artfully, but if she is not soon exposed to flowers and snails and starfish and moved to draw them too, she will remain an illustrator.” – ArtForum, 1962
photographed by J.R. Eyerman for LIFE Magazine

Wow, that is one cold ArtForum review FOR A CHILD. “…she will remain an illustrator.” I probably would have thrown it all away, too.
Thank you for this article! I’ve been trying to find any info about Janel Lessing, but it seems that she just disappeared… Do you know what happened to her later in life? Thank you
She’s was alive last I checked in 2015.
I too have been following her. I own an original Lessing called the Carrot seller.
I originally got it in a lot of paintings… Liked it . Hung It in my vintage bathroom. 5 years later I was packing up to move and decided to look and see if it was signed or not .. Real or a litho. I love van Gogh so I just loved this peasant ink woman carrying carrots with white paint highlights. That began my Janel Lessing journey. If nobody wants this stuff…I’ll take it. It’s very potatoes eater etc. She could’ve seen van Gogh true…but still amazing say that age to imitate it.
I have two works by Janel Lessing which I purchased from an artist that was associated with the same gallery in Los Angeles that represented Janel Lessing for a short time. This was about 30 years ago, so I cannot remember that artists name.
hello, i am in possession of an original 1961 sketch by Janel Lessing. the Bloch Gallery is closed. how can i sell this?