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It’s funny that I would still call this series Mid Week Distraction because I feel like I have been distracted for at least 2 years. Since 2020 (we all know what happened that year) we were all at home making lots of banana bread and everyone downloaded Tik Tok for the first time – I have been distracted for a solid 24 months. You know that feeling when you’re driving and you suddenly realise that you’re driving? Life has felt a bit like that.

I used to save and read a lot of articles online, but I have done that less and less with the advent of VIDEO CONTENT on social media. If you’re not watching Tik Tok, you log into Instagram and it’s just REELS and MOTION and SOUND blaring at you. It feels like there’s nowhere to be still online anymore. So maybe this list of reads, interesting articles, nice things to look at and funny moments will give you an old-school online feeling yet again.

by the way, i’m so glad you’re still here…! Featured image: Slim Aarons “Sea Drive”

Cat Portraits by Elke Vogelsang

and lastly, just made me laugh…

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.


  • Jovita says:

    Love this and appreciate the invitation to be still *somewhere* online – thanks for posting!

  • Grace says:

    So glad YOU’RE still here!

  • Becka says:

    Yay, I love this. I totally agree that the web is a very loud place atm. These links made me happy :)

  • Ingrid says:

    This is one of few blogs I follow!! So glad to see you posting again :)

  • Frances says:

    I agree!! Always appreciate your perspective & favs. Thank you!

  • Kylie says:

    Yay! I love Mid Week Distractions! So happy to read them again :)

  • Minimessick says:

    SO much has changed throughout the less ten years.
    Becoming much more “zombie” like.
    Your page has always felt a since of home and wholesomely Inspirational.

    I’ve also become de-emotionalize. My go to places keeps changing and become bugged with Ads. But I remembered Miss Moss. Thank God you’re still being the amazing person you are. <3

  • Karina says:

    Omg I love the thinking of stillness so much. Not everything has to move, talk and shout for attention. I seek out images over animation everyday. I am a graphic designer as well and the last few years the comment “let’s add some moving images to our presentation” has seriously frustrated me. Don’t get me wrong, I love animation, I love movies but I prefer to look at them when I choose. Can we just look at something and admire the content or the message and have silence 😂

  • Catherine says:

    LOVE the mid-week distractions and so glad you’re still posting!

  • Dave yofi says:

    While others trying so hard for flying car! :)

  • coelhoculture says:

    Always love your take on things, so happy you are posting again, over the mindless reels and vid content, bring on the inspired stillness 💖