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Raymond Biesinger is a talented illustrator from Montreal who has a prolific portfolio; illustrating for an exhaustive list of publications like the NYT, Monocle, Fortune, The Guardian, TIME, Wired, The New Yorker etc etc! But it is his wonderful prints inspired by vintage publications from Canada’s Department of Agriculture that caught my eye. I NEED that egg print!

Canada’s Department of Agriculture has published a tremendous number of info booklets since Confederation, with subjects ranging from mastitis and swine breeding to home gardening and safe canning. I’ve found around 100 of their best covers 1947-1974, restored them, enlarged them, and made them available to you as easy-to-frame prints.

He also has an EXCELLENT 2025 Calendar and the sweetest alphabet poster based on his 2 year old’s pronunciation of certain words. See everything at his online shop.

He’s also made a series of prints called “Animal Control” which makes me laugh a lot – I would need to get the no shedding print for our house as the dogs hair drive us all insane.

Some animals are unstoppable. Back when I lived in Montréal’s Plateau, a raccoon snuck into our apartment, ransacked the cat food, mudded up the studio wall and sniffed at our garbage, plants, and sleeping kid. The cat cannot keep off our kitchen table, despite our countless verbal warnings. My gardening friends have tried everything to keep squirrels away—from cages to hot peppers, ultrasonic alarms and imported cougars—and none of these approaches have worked. It’s in this context that I’m offering you the Animal Control print series. The time is right for strongly-worded signage.

All prints are by Raymond Biesinger and available on his website

Miss Moss

Hey! I'm Miss Moss. But you can call me Diana. This blog is a means of curating and sharing my love for visual treasures. Learn more about me here.

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