mother’s day mother’s day ♥ my mom as a kid, with her beloved daschund ♥ ... happy mother's day ...…Miss MossSunday 9 May, 2010
mi madre Vintage mi madre my love for old photos never wanes, look at the gorgeous shots of this guy's…Miss MossMonday 25 January, 2010
boogie woogie board Photography boogie woogie board sunset and waves at kogel bayMiss MossThursday 12 November, 2009
maybe she’s beat boxing Photography maybe she’s beat boxing hopefully i can take cool pictures one day, too? nice one mamma.Miss MossWednesday 11 March, 2009
cha-million-areon Photography cha-million-areon my mom took this photo. she won a prize for it, too. she's also one…Miss MossThursday 26 February, 2009