Olga Inoue is a teacher turned artist living in Moscow who creates many things including beautiful watercolours, hand-carved stamps, sweet objects & jewellery, delicate pottery and also lovely photographs.
my inspiration is nature, children, the way they see things and talk. their art. countries, weather, changing seasons. and words i hear from people, i’m very sensitive, so i can be moved easily, inspired by anything. *
you can find out more about her at her website and blog & you can also buy her work at etsy.

Darling inspiration post.
Oh wow she’s so talented!
I’m sold on those watercolors!
The watercolors are absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing :)
Lovely post of Olga Inoue by @miss_moss ; #100prcentLOVE her #cat #illustration http://t.co/pBw03KY7lW
I can always come here to find something beautiful and inspiring.